Would you like to discover the keys to consciously creating your life

in alignment with your soul's purpose?


What if you could transform everything holding you back into rocket fuel for your dreams? 

What would it feel like to finally stop the struggle
and live a life of abundant joy - right NOW?

We can help you tap into your unique magic, all while making it practical... and fun!

All you have to do is...

Access The Playground Library Today



This resource library gives you - intuitives, starseeds, empaths, healers & lightworkers - ALL the tools you need to start THRIVING - instead of just surviving.

Through our vast library of activations, coaching + other offerings, you'll get the opportunity to

  • Clear Your Energetic Blocks 
  • Transform Limiting Beliefs
  • Connect with your higher self
  • Amplify Your Intuition
  • Deepen Self Trust
  • Activate Your Magnetic Abundance Codes
  • Embody Your Unique Soul Essence
  • Unleash your authentic, radiant self!

These are the codes and keys you need to begin to consciously create a joyful, abundant, prosperous life in alignment with your unique cosmic trajectory! 

I am BEYOND ready!!!

Imagine 24/7 access to you everything you need to LIVE IN ALIGNMENT and EMBODY YOUR SOUL'S PURPOSE!!

Our favourite tools become yours to discover, try on and make your own, including... 

  •  Creation Coaching & Belief Re-Patterning
  • Masterclass topics on things like Intuition, Alchemy, Channeling, Shadow Work, Ancestral work, Living in Alignment 
  • Embodiment workshops such as Breath of Bliss, Laughter Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Emotional Freedom Technique, Light Language, Ecstatic Dance
  • Energy Clearing & Vibrational Alignment Techniques
  • Connection with Gaia, The Elemental Forces of Creation + the wheel of the year
  • Monthly Ceremonies and sacred rituals
  • Guided Meditations & Soul Journeys
  • Sacred soul journaling workbooks
  • Incredible Interviews with Visionary Leaders
  • 21 Day Manifestation Course - Align & Design: It’s Time To Shine!


These resources and practices are changing lives. 

But, don't take our word for it - see what people are saying!

Amplify Your Manifestation Magic!

Access the tools you're missing so you can get unstuck, out of overwhelm and begin to create momentum! 

This resource library offers you the information you need to take the aligned action steps needed to create lasting change.

With more fun, ease and joy than you can imagine!

(Because life doesn't have to feel so hard, honestly!)

I'm READY to create MAGIC!!!

FUN + PLAY is the Missing Key to Manifesting the LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS!!!

Spirit is always telling us that Humans take life FAR TOO SERIOUSLY!

And, it's scientifically proven that we actually learn the best, and grow the most when things are fun. 

That's true for kids AND adults - so why try to do things the hard way?

When we have fun, we raise our vibrational frequency and we embody lessons faster.

Don't you want the shortcut? 

We have the shortcut - and there’s no better value on this planet. 

Thousands of dollars worth of resources available to you from our previously live membership, now being offered to you as a resource library with everything at your fingertips at an incredibly accessible price.

Woman finding the key to intentionally creating a life in alignment to complete her soul mission

Our students have
had amazing results!

(and you can too)

Join The Playground now

We lovingly created this content for our membership over 2 years

We know this accelerated ascension knowledge NEEDS to be accessible and in the hands of the people right now, even - s
o we have put it all together into a resource library you can everything in The Playground for Conscious Creators for one year for just $77 USD


OK, I'm Ready to PLAY!!!

Meet Your Guides

Aurora Light, Radiant Soul Nicole & Nina Infinity


We go WAY back... From a Mystery School in a past life, to creating EPIC in-person + online retreats and workshops in this one. 

We are Elemental Priestesses, Creation Coaches and Soul Guides who carry embodiment codes for you - the conscious being who wants to physicalize your spirit into matter and make magic happen! In everything we do, we weave together movement, sound alchemy and light activations, with evolutionary alchemy and trauma informed coaching to create a safe space for you to explore what it means to bring your galactic magic down to Earth! (Because that's what you're here to do, isn't it?)

Together we have hosted Radiant Soul Retreats, The Soul Embodiment Summit and thousands of classes, workshops and experiences with people from around the world.

Aurora Light, Nina Infinity and Radiant Soul Nicole Radiant Evolution Collective images and biography

I'm ready to consciously create change in my life.
Sign Me Up!