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Frequency Upgrade Academy

Free Training for Lightworkers 

The new earth is here and the old paradigm teachings & tools no longer work the way they once did.

In fact, if you’re still using the old practices, you’re probably feeling a lot of heaviness, pressure, density and overwhelm that you just can’t seem to shake.

In this free training for lightworkers, healers and energetically sensitive humans, you'll learn simple, yet powerful tools that will help you to shift frequencies from scarcity to abundance, increase your energy & help you become more magnetic to your desires.

These are the New Earth energetic techniques that every lightworker needs to know!

Get Instant Access Here!

Share your best email to receive this free training & activation

Please note: Registering will add you to my email list where I share other fun opportunities for magic, such as my energy updates, free workshops and classes and paid programs. You can unsubscribe at anytime and your info will always remain private!

The New Paradigm Requires New Tools

You've likely been taught that in order to keep out unwanted energy, you need to shield yourself. 

But did you know, this is also shielding you from magnetizing everything you want, too?

The old tools and teachings served a purpose, but they were actually meant to keep you in a state of survival and cut you off from you power.

It's time to upgrade your toolkit so you can access the frequencies that will support you to thrive! 

In this free training, you'll learn how to activate new earth technologies that will:

✨ Relax your nervous system

✨ Boost your mood

✨ Support your immune system

✨ Banish energy vampires

✨ Increase your frequency & energy

✨ Activate your radiance

✨ Magnify your magnetism

✨ Help you trust your intuition

✨ Magically share your light & sparkle with the world

When you know these techniques, you'll no longer feel the need to avoid crowds of people due to overwhelm, dim your light because you feel scared to shine, or stay stuck and unable to shift for longer than is necessary.

There are honestly even more benefits to these practices, but it sounds almost too good to be true when I list them out, so I'd rather you just try them out and let me know how it goes for you!

I'm Ready for a Frequency Upgrade! Sign Me Up!

Rosalyn Fung

WHERE DO I BEGIN!?!?!?!?!?

I have been able to energetically call in more abundance in all forms- connections, relationships, opportunities, money, impact in BIGGER WAYS AND QUICKLY!!!

Laure Delfour

"Kacie guided me with our teams through a lot of different activations, healing, clearing but also, she gave me so many tools.

She helped me to stabilize my nervous system, by incorporating simple tools of breath, movement and sound.

It’s way easier to process all the intensity right now. I can now stay grounded and centered even when I am processing big waves.

Linda Bao

"Because of our work together I feel like I’ve more fully stepped into my power, my voice and my purpose - and because of that my business is flourishing!

I’ve been able to do even more powerful work with my clients and I feel like I’ve opened up more space for more love, joy and freedom."

Meet Kacie Knight

Kacie is a spiritual teacher, helping her clients unlock their soul gifts, activate their voice, step into their soul mission and become abundant AF doing it!

13 years ago she declared she wanted her own thriving business helping lightworkers, but NO IDEA how to go about it. 

She has since gone on to create two dream businesses sharing her Evolutionary Alchemy signature system to help hundreds of clients learn to regulate their nervous system, fine tune their frequency to live in the field of abundance, and share their soul gifts in her courses, memberships, 1:1 coaching and Coaching Certification program. 

Since stepping into her own soul mission and unlocking the evolutionary codex inside her own DNA, she has: 

  • Gone from being a secret mystic with a hidden soul mission to being a public figure and spiritual teacher with students around the globe
  • Helped her clients leave old jobs, activate their psychic senses and soul gifts, and manifest incredible miracles into their lives.
  • Made over half a million dollars, while working part time, doing what she LOVES!
  • Become a best selling author, teaching artist, professional dancer, coach, teacher, mentor, digital course creator, wife, mother and divine channel. 

Upgrade Your Frequency:
Thrive in the New Paradigm

A Free Training for the lightworkers, healers & helpers with Kacie Knight

This new earth energy requires requires new tools.

Learn how to use this new paradigm technique to regulate your nervous system & elevate you into the field of abundance.

Stop wasting time & struggling on your own, because I have the tools to help you make this journey so much easier - and dare I say - fun!?

Sign Up Now for Instant Access!



Sign Up Now to Upgrade Your Frequency

Share your best email to get instant access to this free training!

Please note: Registration for this workshop will add you to my email list where I share other fun opportunities for magic, such as my energy updates, free workshops and classes and paid programs. You can unsubscribe at anytime and your info will always remain private!